Dear Friends,
Every once in a while, a popular publication (or a Facebook user) invites us to submit captions for their great photos. I think this year's Easter pic is one of those opportunities. I think there is a post pandemic Easter sermon in this photo of this chick. Take a moment with the picture, have some fun, and share with me the Easter message you see.
It is very hard to believe that it has been a year since I preached in front of the daffodils and I plopped myself down in my neighbor's pink tulips. It is hard to believe that it's been a year since we were on the prowl for toilet tissue and praying for protective gear for our loved ones. Now, I am sitting and waiting for those same bulbs to burst open like an empty tomb. I am excitedly policing the parsonage hydrangeas each morning for every sprout and quarter inch of growth. And I am writing a message of Resurrection and hoping that you too, can and will, see and feel Easter everywhere.
It wouldn't be Easter without a request for a gift of appreciation for Morrow church: our people, our music, our small groups, our youth groups, and even our bell that tolls to mark the time. Happy Easter!!! ---pastor janice