Lent at Morrow

Ministries, Events and Small Groups

Learning, Serving, Deepening, and Connecting

Join for some or all of these dates!  PLEASE mark your calendars.



Making Meals for Others. Join our group of cooks in the kitchen on Sunday afternoons from 3-4pm. We will be following a chef and creating meals for people as part of our frozen pantry.(March 6 through March 27)  This Sunday's cooking Link.

Become a Backpack Pal. Morrow is home to the Backpack Pal program, providing weekend meals to students who receive free and reduced-lunches in our district. We need people to welcome outside groups who assemble the food bags 2X per month in the evening. Would you be interested in being a host occasionally? Come and learn about the program, how to host, and assemble some bags on Thursday, March 10 from 7:30pm - 8:15.

Morrow Spring Gardening. Come and help us beautify Morrow’s outdoor spaces for Spring. We’ll gather on Saturday, April 2nd @9am to plant, rake, mulch, trim and get ready for our Spring and Summer activities. Bring your garden tools and gloves and join us!


Peace through Nature. Our 2nd-5th grade students are encouraged to join us Wednesdays from 5:15 - 6:15 for a time of exploring the ways animal and plants live together and how we can learn about peaceful friendships through them. We’ll finish the evening with a family meal.(March 9 through April 6) Sign-up HERE.

Sisters Everyone in Faith! — For our Lenten season everyone is invited to join a group study called "Witness at the Cross" both in-person in the media center or via zoom on Monday nights at 7:30pm.  Here is the link: Zoom.  Presenter Amy-Jill Levine shows how the people at the cross each have distinct roles and are portrayed differently in the four gospels. From each, we learn how those meanings and messages cross the centuries and connect with us in our time.(Feb. 28 through April 4)

Companions in Faith — The Lenten book study group will be reading and discussing James Cone’s classic work, The Cross and the Lynching Tree on Thursday mornings at 9:30am via zoom. Using the book, interviews with the author, poetry, art and other materials, we will interrogate the failure of the Christian imagination to overcome racial violence.(March 3 through April 7)

Sunday morning Discussion Group — We will be taking a master class in spirituality and the black experience Sundays @9:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall and via zoomSpecial Mission Sunday with Family Promise March 27 before and after worship.(March 6 through April 3)


Lenten pancakes on Sunday, February 27 after worship

Lenten Dinners. For our families with elementary students, after "Peace and Nature" group, families are invited to join for a simple dinner and table discussion at 6:15pm on Wednesdays.(March 9 through April 6)

Playtime/Praytime — Families with younger children are invited to come together for a casual gathering on Saturday mornings @ 9:30am. Bring your coffee and snacks. Kids will have supervised free play (either in MacDonald Hall or the Playground) and parents can either join in play or gather separately for time with each other and with some "parents who’ve been there" for listening, sharing, and celebrating all things parenting.(March 5 through April 2)


Contemplative WorshipTuesdays @ 12:30 (Sanctuary)(March 1 through April 5)

Yoga and Meditation – Join us Saturday mornings @10 a.m. for a time of chair yoga and meditation viaZoom.(March 5 through April 9)