Children's Choirs

Children’s Choirs:


We offer diverse, age-appropriate opportunities for children to praise God through music.

Each children’s choir is a fun, safe environment where children can learn to use their voices. We teach healthy vocal technique and music skills and have fun while doing it!

To join our music groups or choirs, email Holland Jancaitis, Director of Music Ministries, or call the church office at (973) 763-7676.

Cherub Choir (Age 3 1/2 through Grade 1)

Led by director Cynthia Longley Richards and our Music Director Holland Jancaitis, our youngest musicians learn games and songs designed to teach musical, spiritual, and social development skills.

This choir performs several times a year during our Sunday morning worship. We meet during the school year on Wednesday afternoons at 4:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in room 202.

Wesley Choir (Grades 2-5)

In this choir, children led by Cynthia Longley Richards and our Music Director Holland Jancaitis, begin learning how to sing from the hymnal, the basics of musical notation, and proper choral etiquette. They also use movement and percussion instruments for added fun. Musical selections are chosen for vocal, musical, and spiritual development.

At their discretion, parents may coose to keep their child in Cherub Choir for a half or full year until they are ready to move up.

We meet during the school year on Wednesday afternoons from 5:00 pm-5:45 p.m.

Wesley Choir presents a biblically-themed musical during worship each May. Students grades 2-5 are invited to act, sing, and dance in this show. Students in grades 6 and up are welcome to help in the production effort. Contact Dr. Holland Jancaitis, Director of Music Ministries, for more information.