Gather & Serve

Connect & experience real life with friends at Morrow.

Studies & Meditation

  • Adult Sunday School

    Sundays Before the Worship Service
    9:30 AM in the Second Mile Room

  • Prayer Warriors

    Tuesday Mornings
    Group Call at 8:00 a.m
    Phone number: 929-205-6099
    Accra Code:  991 4177 9346

  • Sisters in Faith

    Monday Evenings
    7:30 PM on Zoom

    Meeting ID: 838 6733 2029
    Passcode: 355689

  • Caregivers Support Group

    Tuesday Mornings
    9:30 a.m. on Zoom

Serving Locally

  • Morrow Turnover Sale

    For over 90 years, our annal summer second-hand sale proceeds have supported local charities.

  • Thanksgiving Baskets

    We partner with Family Promise to provide boxes of food for each of their families every Thanksgiving.

  • Family Promise

    Transforming the lives of families experiencing homelessness.

  • MEND

    MEND is a hunger relief network working to advance health equity.

Serving Sierra Leone Since 2006

For nearly two decades, Morrow Church has partnered with the United Methodist Church of Sierra Leone to support post-war rebuilding, health initiatives, and education. From funding medical supplies during the Ebola crisis to constructing schools, our efforts have touched countless lives while deepening our understanding of global challenges. Today, we focus on sustainable projects like solar power, microfinance, and education, continuing to live out our faith through meaningful action.

One highlight of this partnership is the Burma IV School near Kenema. What began in 2016 as a collection of tarps and poles is now a two-story school serving hundreds of children. Inspired by the vision of Bishop John Yambasu, Morrow Church raised the funds to transform this space into a permanent educational facility. As we near the final stages of the project, the school stands as a powerful symbol of hope, faith, and the impact of community-driven change.