Music Ministry
Diverse musical opportunities for persons of all ages
Music has been a robust ministry at Morrow Church for decades. We offer many diverse ministry opportunities for persons of all ages, even as young as three and a half. For singers and instrumentalists, amateurs and professionals, young and old — even those who do not wish to perform, but to support in other ways — there are opportunities to proclaim the faith through your gifts and talents.
Morrow’s music ministry strives to offer a wide variety of music that reflects the church’s diverse and global character. New music and old complement each other, giving voice to both the church’s rich, ancient tradition and the contemporary generation and those to come. We wish to write the next stanza in the church’s hymnody.
Contact: Dr. Holland Jancaitis, Director of Music Ministry
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir are song leaders at worship every week. We welcome adults and high school students with an interest in choral singing.
Chancel Choir sings an anthem each Sunday and leads the congregational hymns. We also prepares two major works each year: one for the Candlelight Carol Service in Advent, and one for the first Sunday after Memorial Day. The group rehearses on Thursday nights, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m.
If you want to sing with Chancel Choir but can't commit to weekly rehearsals and services, you may be interested in joining us for one or all of our major works through the year -- Candlelight Carols, Easter, and the June special music Sunday.
aPealing Bells
aPealing Bells rehearse on Thursday evenings 7:00pm- 7:45pm
We welcome new members and those who are new to ringing (adults & students in grades 6-12). Some music reading ability is helpful: if you took instrument lessons as a child you're well on your way. And even if you didn't, we'll show you how it's done.
We offer everything from bell repertoire for solo ringers, to duets, quartets… you name it! If you have the time and the interest, we have the bells and the music!
Instrumental Music
Instrumentalists and vocalists who wish to share their gifts with the congregation are welcome to play or sing during the prelude, offertory, communion, or postlude on any given Sunday. We are particularly interested in knowing if you play guitar, bass, or drums!
Youth & Children’s Choirs
We offer diverse, age-appropriate opportunities for children to praise God through music. Each children’s choir is a fun, safe environment where children can learn to use their voices. We teach healthy vocal technique and music skills and have fun while doing it!
Cherub Choir
3.5 Years Old - 1st Grade
Led by director Cynthia Longley Richards and our Music Director Holland Jancaitis, our youngest musicians learn games and songs designed to teach musical, spiritual, and social development skills.
This choir performs several times a year during our Sunday morning worship. We meet during the school year on Sundays after church at 12:15 to 12:45 in room 202.
Wesley Choir
2nd Grade-5th Grade
In this choir, children led by Cynthia Longley Richards and our Music Director Holland Jancaitis, begin learning how to sing from the hymnal, the basics of musical notation, and proper choral etiquette. They also use movement and percussion instruments for added fun. Musical selections are chosen for vocal, musical, and spiritual development. At their discretion, parents may choose to keep their child in Cherub Choir for a half or full year until they are ready to move up. We meet during the school year on Wednesday afternoons from 5:00 pm-5:45 p.m. Wesley Choir presents a biblically-themed musical during worship each May. Students grades 2-5 are invited to act, sing, and dance in this show. Students in grades 6 and up are welcome to help in the production effort
Youth Choir
Middle School & High School
Students in middle school and high school are invited to join Youth Choir.
The group is led by South Orange Middle School choral director Jake Ezzo. In this relaxed, collaborative, and engaging environment, singers in grades 6-12 sing a mix of sacred and secular music which they offer to the church 4-5 times a year on Sunday mornings and at the annual Candlelight Carols service.
The Youth choir meets Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.
Our Organ
Morrow Church’s organ was built by the Allen Organ Company of Macungie, PA, and installed by Lee Stadele and the dedicated crew from Stadele’s Allen Organs of Branchburg, NJ in the Fall of 2011. It was first played in worship on December 18, 2011. Beginning in January 2012, the voicing of the organ was carefully refined by John Nelson over a period of several weeks. The result is an instrument that excels at leading congregational singing, accompanying choral anthems, collaborating with instrumental ensembles, and playing every era of organ literature.
Some special aspects of the installation are worth noting. All divisions except String can be assigned to antiphonal speakers discreetly installed in the rafters over the balcony. This allows for greater support of congregational singing and permits special dialogue effects between the front of the sanctuary and the rear. The string division is installed over the central transept area, inspired by the celestial divisions that builders would regularly install in transept domes during the pre-Depression heyday of organ building. The Festival Trumpet accessory transforms the Solo Tuba Mirabilis into a horizontal trumpet which speaks from the balcony and is suitable for fanfares and ushering a bride down the aisle.
This organ was designed to make worship more inspiring. A congregation hears its pipe organ week after week, so it is a challenge for the organist to keep it sounding fresh every Sunday. This instrument is rich with a kaleidoscope of different sounds, able to be plaintive or triumphant, mysterious or declamatory, whispering or roaring.
The decision to embark upon an organ project was made before I joined the church staff in September 2010. We are indebted to the efforts of Chip Madsen, Jason Tramm, Mark Cook, Bobbie Rambach, the trustees, and many others who made this a priority for the capital campaign. I am grateful that all the relevant staff and committees had full confidence in me to chart the course of the organ project. I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to the many members of the church who have pledged so generously to the organ project and the overall campaign. We have a King of Instruments which will serve us for decades to come. Soli Deo Gloria!